The Black Star 4503 Intelligent multimeter incorporates Full 'Talk and Listen' via built-in IEEE488 and RS232 Interfaces, enabling all ranges and functions(except 10A AC and DC) to be settable and controllable.
Serial and parallel polling are supported.
Instrument status, error messages and readings may be requested.
Supplied complete with demonstration RS232 Terminal program on 5╝" floppy disk for IBM and compatible PC's. (3╜" disk optional).
DC Voltage:
Range Resolution Accuracy
0.4V 10╡V ▒0.03% rdg + 0.01%fs
4V 100╡V ▒0.03% rdg + 0.01%fs
40V 1mV ▒0.03% rdg + 0.01%fs
400V 10mV ▒0.03% rdg + 0.01%fs
1000V 100mV ▒0.03% rdg + 0.01%fs
Maximum permissible input voltage: 1000V DC (.4V range 1000V DC 5 sec.)
Input impedance: 10MR ▒ 0.25%
Normal mode rejection ratio: 60dB @ 50Hz
Common mode rejection ratio: 100dB @ 50Hz with 1KR imbalance.
DC Current:
Range Resolution Accuracy Voltage Burden Max. Input
All ranges and functions (except 10A AC and DC) are settable and controllable via the built-in IEEE488/GP-IB and RS232 interfaces. The string terminator may be selected, and the conditions under which an IEEE488/GP-IB service request is initiated. Serial and parallel polling are supported.Instrument status, error messages and readings may be requested.
General Features:
The accuracy specifications apply over a temperature of 18║C to 22║C typicallyfor one year.
Accuracy Temperature Coefficient: Typically <0.1 x applicable accuracy spec. per║C (10║C to 18║C, 22║C to 35║C)
Maximum Common Mode Input Voltage: 500V DC or peak AC.
Mains Input Voltage: 220/240V ▒ 10%
Display: 13mm LED, 6 Digit
Scale length: 4╛ digit, 40999 counts max
Polarity: Automatic
Reading Rate 3 per second. Zero: Automatic
Operating Temperature Range: 5║C to 40║C, 10% to 80% RH
Supplied Accessories: Built-in IEEE-488/GP-IB and RS232 interfaces, Instruction manual, Spare fuse, Test lead set, Mains lead, Demonstration software.
Optional Accessories: Service manual, Carry case, Rack mounting kit.